Listy for JW Player

Example: Editing a playlist - Moving / Removing items

Demonstrates how to enable "Edit" which includes "Remove", "Move Up" and "Move Down" capabilities.

Key features

  • Customisable button labels - rename "Edit", "Remove", "Move Up" and "Move Down" to whatever you like
  • Toggle "Edit" mode on and off allows quick multiple edits
  • "Edit" > "Remove" works on search results too


  /* Default breakpoint styles */
    width:100% !important;
  /* Listy container */
  /* Description - Limit displayed text */
  #example_listy .listy-description{
  /* Playlist images - Hide images*/
  #example_listy .listy-fill{
  #example_listy .listy-textwrapper {
  /* Medium breakpoint */
  @media only screen and (min-width: 35em) {
    #example_listy .listy-search-wrapper{
    /* IMAGES */
    #example_listy .listy-fill{
    #example_listy .listy-textwrapper {
      padding:10px 10px 10px 150px;
  /* Large breakpoint */
  @media only screen and (min-width: 65em) {
      width:47% !important;
    /* Playlist area */
    /* Description */
    #example_listy .listy-description{


  <div id="player_wrapper">
    <div id="example"></div>

Setup code

    "plugins": {
          "shuffle":{"enabled":true,"label":"Mix it up!"},
One thing to note is that you should not include the JW "listbar" setting if using the Listy plugin