Listy for JW Player

Configuration: All options

This acts as a quick reference to all the configuration options Listy for JW Player supports.

Include within the JW Player "plugins" block:

"listy.js":{ "target":[String: "detached_options"], // The "id" attribute of the HTML element you which Listy to render into. A DIV is dynamically added after the player if no target is specified. "skin":"", "list":{ "label":[String: "Playlist"], // Customise the "Playlist" tab label. "target":[String: "detached_playlist"], // The "id" attribute of the HTML element you wish the playlist to be rendered into (when detaching from the Listy controls). "skin":"", "current_selector":[String: "data-mediaid"], // Data attribute used to style the current playlist item. Used in conjunction with "item_tpl" when specifying Custom playlist HTML. "start_tpl":[String: (see Custom Playlist HTML)], "item_tpl":[String: (see Custom Playlist HTML)], "end_tpl":[String: (see Custom Playlist HTML)] }, "dummy_mp4_url": [Url: "//"], // URL to the 'dummy.mp4' file used to overcome errors in player initialization. /* ********************************************************************** */ /* "tubey" is used in conjunction with settings in the main player block to enable YouTube/Soundcloud playlist loading */ /* Main player block settings: */ /* "file":"use-tubey" */ /* "type":"mp4" */ /* ********************************************************************** */ "tubey": { "playlist":[String: "YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_ID"]||[Array: ["YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_ID_1","SOUNDCLOUD_PLAYLIST_ID_2"]], "image":[Url: ""], "title":[String: "Loading your playlist..."], "description":[String: "Please wait..."], "sort":[String: "shuffle"||"ascending"||"descending"] }, "features":{ "shuffle":{ "enabled":[Boolean: true||false], // Include the "Shuffle" button "label":[String: "SHUFFLE"], // Customise the "Shuffle" button label "onLoad":[Boolean: true||false] // Shuffle playlist when first loaded }, "search":{ "enabled":[Boolean: true||false] // Include the "Search" field }, "edit":{ "enabled":[Boolean: true||false], // Include the "Edit" toggle button "label":[String: "EDIT"], // Customise the "Edit" button label "buttons":{ "move_up":{ "enabled":true, "label":"UP" }, "remove":{ "enabled":true, "label":"REMOVE" }, "move_down":{ "enabled":true, "label":"DOWN" }, "custom":{ "enabled":true, "label":"CUSTOM", "action":"function(a,b){}" } }, /* ********************************************************************** */ /* These extended Edit Options are used in conjunction with the Premium Registered User features */ /* ********************************************************************** */ "options":{ "save": { "enabled":true, "label":"SAVE", "default":"Default" }, "load": { "enabled":true, "label":"LOAD", "onLogin":{ "enabled":true, "default":"Default" } }, "new": { "enabled":true, "label":"NEW" }, "delete": { "enabled":true, "label":"DELETE" } } }, "add":{ "enabled":true, "label":"ADD ITEM", "options":{ "form":{ /* ********************************************************************** */ /* The default form fields used to build items to be added to the playlist */ /* can be customised by including a "fields" block */ /* ********************************************************************** */ "fields":{ "mediaid":{"label":"Media ID:","type":"hidden"}, "title":{"label":"Title:","value":"Example: JW Player promo"}, "description":{"label":"Description:","type":"textarea","value":"Example: Your video solution starts with JW Player"}, "image":{"label":"Image URL:","value":""}, "file":{"label":"File URL:","value":""}, "duration":{"label":"Duration:","value":"mm:ss"}, "category":{ "label":"Categories:", "type":"checkbox", "options":{ "music":{"label":"Music"}, "hip_hop":{"label":"Hip Hop"}, "beatbox":{"label":"Beatbox"}, "dance":{"label":"Dance"}, "sport":{"label":"Sport"}, "inspirational":{"label":"Inspirational"}, "no_audio":{"label":"No Audio"}, "visual effects":{"label":"Visual effects"} } } }, "buttons":{ "preview":{ "enabled":true, "label":"PREVIEW" }, "next":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+NEXT" }, "last":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+LAST" }, "custom":{ "enabled":true, "label":"CUSTOM", "action":"function(a,b){}" } } }, /* ********************************************************************** */ /* This allows items which have been removed from the playlist to be re-added */ /* ********************************************************************** */ "from_removed":{ "enabled":true, "label":"FROM REMOVED", "buttons":{ "preview":{ "enabled":true, "label":"PREVIEW" }, "next":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+NEXT" }, "last":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+LAST" } } } } }, "add_from_yt":{ "enabled":true, "label":"ADD FROM YOUTUBE", "buttons":{ "preview":{ "enabled":true, "label":"PREVIEW" }, "next":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+NEXT" }, "last":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+LAST" }, "custom":{ "enabled":true, "label":"CUSTOM", "action":"function(a,b){}" } } }, "add_from_sc":{ "enabled":true, "label":"ADD FROM SOUNDCLOUD", "buttons":{ "preview":{ "enabled":true, "label":"PREVIEW" }, "next":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+NEXT" }, "last":{ "enabled":true, "label":"+LAST" }, "custom":{ "enabled":true, "label":"CUSTOM", "action":"function(a,b){}" } } }, "export": { "enabled":true, "type":"json" } }, "users":{ "enabled":true, "management":{ "enabled":true, "sign_in":{ "label":"Sign in", "buttons": { "new_user": { "label":"New user..."}, "forgot_password": {"label":"Forgot password?"}, "login": {"label":"Log in"}/*, "register": {"label":"Register!"} */ }, "fields":{ "p1":{"type":"paragraph","label":"Please provide the following additional details. Fields marked with * are required:"}, "first_name":{"label":"First name:", "required": true}, "last_name":{"label":"Last name:", "required": true} }, "terms_of_use":{ "url":"" } }, "sign_out":{ "label":"Sign out" } } }, "prefetch":{ "enabled":true, // Enables auto-prefetch if !isMobile - you can still manually call prefetch for a PLI "xdomain_support":true, "async_requests":"2", "look_ahead":"5", "begin": function(player,listy,playlist_item, url){ /* //EXAMPLE CODE var sMediaID = playlist_item["mediaid"]; if(!listy["prefetch_media"])listy["prefetch_media"]={}; listy["prefetch_media"][sMediaID]=url; */ }, "progress": function(player,listy,playlist_item, url, percentage){ //updateLabel(playlist_item["mediaid"], percentage+"%"); }, "complete": function(player,listy,playlist_item, url, blob_url){ //updateLabel(playlist_item["mediaid"], "100%"); }, "error": function(player,listy,playlist_item, url, error){ //'Prefetch error:' + url,error); } }, "events":{ "onReady": function(listy, player, view){ /* EXAMPLE CODE */ }, "onRedraw": function(listy, player, view){ /* EXAMPLE CODE */ }, "onPlay": function(listy, player, view){ /* EXAMPLE CODE */ }, "onItemSelect": function(listy, player, playlistItem){ /* EXAMPLE CODE */ } } }
One thing to note is that you should not include the JW "listbar" setting if using the Listy plugin