Listy for JW Player

Example: Basic responsive setup

Demonstrates how additional styling can be added to enable Listy to act responsively.

Key features

  • Same playlist output whether the player is rendered in Flash or HTML5 mode - allowing for complete control over styling
  • Playlist thumbnails are hidden at smallest breakpoint
  • Playlist descriptions are clipped at small and medium breakpoints
  • Player and playlist are resized and aligned independently at large breakpoint


#player_wrapper{ width:85%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; } #example{ float:left; } /* Default breakpoint styles */ #example,#example.jwfullscreen{ width:100% !important; } /* Listy container */ #example_listy{ width:100%; float:left; } /* Description - Limit displayed text */ #example_listy .listy-description{ height:42px; overflow:hidden; } /* Playlist images - Hide images*/ #example_listy .listy-fill{ display:none; } #example_listy .listy-textwrapper { padding:10px; } /* Medium breakpoint */ @media only screen and (min-width: 35em) { #player_wrapper{ width:65%; } #example_listy .listy-search-wrapper{ width:50%; } /* IMAGES */ #example_listy .listy-fill{ display:block; } #example_listy .listy-textwrapper { padding:10px 10px 10px 150px; } } /* Large breakpoint */ @media only screen and (min-width: 65em) { #player_wrapper{ width:75%; } #example{ width:47% !important; } #example_listy{ width:47%; float:right; } /* Playlist area */ #example_listy_list{ height:500px; } /* Description */ #example_listy .listy-description{ height:auto; overflow:none; } }


<div id="player_wrapper"> <div id="example"></div> </div>

Setup code

jwplayer("example").setup({ "playlist":[{...}], "width":"100%", "aspectratio":"16:9", "plugins": { "listy.js":{} } });
One thing to note is that you should not include the JW "listbar" setting if using the Listy plugin