VPL for JW Player 7

Player library

Currently using: JW 7.1.5
JW 7.1.5 | JW 7.2.4

A plugin fix for making the JW Player 7 visual playlist responsive

It also offers the following additional features:

Getting started with VPL for JW Player

Step 1 - Add a plugins block as follows:

  "plugins": {
      "title":"VPL: Powered by Haiku", // Optional
      "showDescription":true, // Optional - defaults to false
      "showControls":true, // Optional - defaults to true
      "sizing":{ // Optional - see below

Where the sizing block above is made up of any number of sizing configurations. Sizing configurations take the following format:

  "width": "<visual-playlist-width>(% or px)",
  "height": "<visual-playlist-height>(% or px)",
  "margin": [<top-margin-in-px>,<right-margin-in-px>,<bottom-margin-in-px>,<left-margin-in-px>]

The default sizing configuration is as follows:

  "width": "100%",
  "height": "100%",
  "margin": [0,0,0,0]

That's it!

PS: If you'd like to extend your JW playlist functionality further, you may also be interested in Listy for JW Player.